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Forming Relationships

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December 20, 2005
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: Forming Relationships
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I believe that the dating scene is entirely counterproductive to forming great relationships. The best way to form satisfying and enduring relationships is to be a part of community of like-minded souls, and for the relationships within that to form naturally over time.

For instance, in Australia we have a community of bisexual professional women who talk together about issues affecting our personal and professional lives. It's been tremendously satisfying to enjoy the support we can offer each other, and the boost we are able to give to business, careers, and personally as well.

I think a focus on S-- makes for a pretty shonky and unsatisfying relationship. Far better to build a relationship over time, based on shared interests, values and principles.

I'm very interested in what other women may feel is the best way to form relationships with other bisexual women.
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Hi I read what you wrote, and i totally agree. I have a questiion though. I just found out I'm bisexual. and I really like this guy, but i like a girl too.

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April 14, 2007
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Hi Sexi
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So you have just realized you love the touch , smell and tast of a women and afraid to tell your new (guy) lover.

Well as a male bif lover I find most men are intimidated and call biwomen that enjoy each other cheats and whores! I know many girls who got married to their dreamboat before telling them they are bisexual thinking he would understand more after they get married, well they dont! every case backfired on them! and ended in divorce, if your new male lover is not for the long haul dont tell him, if you both believe you have a future to gether maybe show some bif movies, judge his reaction, ask him if he would like that, warm him up before you tell him, if he,s all for it you have a winner,
if he rejects the idea and you marry him you could be se---lly frustrated in the closit for the rest of your life (along with many other girls)and hate yourself. good luck!

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Posted:     Post subject:

`i would be careful w/ the girl. cuz my first crush didnt feel the same way, and it made me hide it for 3-4 years. I am married by the way, and he's okay with me being bi. we agree on no 3-somes. and he's cool if i see a girl as long as he stays my number 1. he is the one im married to, so he should be and is my number 1.

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September 14, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: I agree
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I told my guy that I had mostly been with woman before him and even though we are in a relationship I still am attracted to women. He asked a few questions but doesn't want a ---------. A year later he asked me to marry him and we are getting married in March. So I think if you open and honest everything can work out fine. If your guy does have a bad reaction to it that's fine and move on.

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January 6, 2009
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`How can it be fine...and move on when you really do enjoy women and thats a part of you? For myself, I feel that my bisexuality is a big part of my life...and befor I did hide that my boyfriend knows about this and Ive explained it to him he has become very open to me being with a women, like the lady above you said, as long as he is my number one...but if the man you are about to marry is squashing you bisexuality he is then in a part squashing and denying be careful because if he is not OK with this part of you...then there may be other things he is not very open to about you...other than your bisexuality...sexuality is a big thing...dont let him control you ya know.

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`Being open and honest with your partner is the only way. I would have absolutley no problems with the woman I loved having a bisexual lifestyle as long as I remained number 1. I really don't understand why such a woman would chose a man who would make her feel bad because of what she is to begin with? Now, if I could only find the right Bi girl interested in a relationship ..

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Posted:     Post subject:

`It's one thing to be bi, and its a completely other thing to want to explore those feelings. Just because one is bi does not necassarily mean that you have to go and pursue both sexes. If you are in a relationship whether it be with a man or a woman you should stick with them, and not need to go and be with the other s--. Unless you are open to polyamory which everyone is not open to. I personally love bi-women, and prefer to be with a bisexual partner, however I am not willing to embark in an open relationship. If you are with me, you are with me for the long haul. And I am with you, I do not need to explore being with a man if I am with a woman nor do I need to explore women if I choose to be with a man. And I expect the same from my partner.

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